Fashion Blog Pages

Friday, December 19, 2014

Finding Room to Groom

I hate to say this, but I am almost hoping that Santa Claus does not bring me too many presents.  The bathroom is already FULL of beauty products.  Can't fit a single new item.

Maybe St. Nick, needs to help us organize and space save our homes.

Fotunately, for the bathroom, there are a few innovative products that can help people create more ROOM TO GROOM.

As a start, here are some products to help you save a little space:

#1 - Spectrum Diversified’s Hair Care Organizers – this line offers a unique solution to better manage hair care tools and beauty products by helping to utilize previous wasted space in the home. 

Spectrum Diversified’s Hair Care Organizers
Spectrum Hair Care Organizers
#2 – The Cabidor takes advantage of the wasted space behind doors and turns it into efficient and effective storage areas.
The Cabidor
If you know of any other helpful items, please share your thoughts in the comment area below.  We would love to learn more space saving tips for hair or makeup products.