Fashion Blog Pages

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Warm Winter Clothing Guide 2014-15

Winter dropped some more snow on us yesterday morning (East Coast, United States).  It may be a good time to hunt around for a warmer pair of gloves.  I found an interesting winter gear guide to help keep our digits a bit warmer.  Now we are stuck with the age old question, “should I go with gloves or mittens?”  Obviously there are pros and cons to both.  If you are stricktly going for “warmth”, I would lean toward mittens.

If you are like me and interested in researching “warm” winter gear, you may want to check the guide links below for the Active Junky website.
I have my eye on the following two items to keep my fingers warm, but not yet fully decided.  Sure, I hope to get this figured out before spring.
Burton GoreTex Mitt -  On storm days nothing beats GORE-TEX®. It’s no surprise since WL Gore invented the concept of waterproof/breathable fabrics, but that technical cred is why we lined the Burton GORE-TEX® Leather Mitt with his GUARANTEED TO KEEP YOU DRY® invention. Combined with Thermacore™ insulation, it’s a one-two punch that will keep hands warm and dry even if it’s snowing sideways. The grippy and durable genuine leather Gnar Guard palm includes Screen Grab® enabled thumb and index finger panels for touchscreen control without exposing your hands to the cold.

Excursion Glove DAKINE  Dakine is an American outdoor clothing company specializing in sportswear and sports equipment for alternative sports. Founded in Hawaii, the name comes from the Hawaiian Pidgin word "da kine" (derived from "the kind").  Now based in Oregon, the company also sponsors team riders from the lifestyle and sporting fields of skiing, snowboarding, and other activities.

Do you have a warm clothing item suggestion for this winter?  Let us know the item, brand, and style that you think is best.