Fashion Blog Pages

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Save the Fashion Industry

OK, we are not actually able to save the entire fashion industry, but we hope to at least help the survival of the Fashion Industry Network.

The Fashion Industry Network was created as a labor of love.  The goal was to provide a free resource to help members of the fashion industry communicate with one another.  Unfortunately, the expense associated with keeping the site online has continued to increased over the years. 

This year in particular the company that created the technology that is used to organize the network has significantly raised the monthly fees (yes, that hurts). Because of the increased expense, we are not certain how much longer we can sustain the cost of the website.  We are trying to figure out ways to avoid having to retire the network.  Asking for donations rather than charging members to join the site is what we have in mind.

Donations are appreciated.
If you wish to contribute toward the networks expenses, you are welcome to do so from the Paypal system (method above).

Below is an example of what you would be saving (recent screen shot from FIN).
Save the Fashion Industry Network

Any assistance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Help save the Fashion Industry Network.

If you don't wish to help save our fashion industry website, you may want to save the whales (, rain forest (, seals (, squirrels or the entire planet (