Fashion Blog Pages

Friday, December 29, 2017

Most Beautiful Fashion Blogger

Who is the most beautiful fashion blogger of 2017?  

Beautiful Negin Mirsalehi

We are not telling you who is the most beautiful blogger, but what we will tell you is that the above images are of Negin Mirsalehi.  She must be one of the contenders for the top honors.

Does beauty matter in terms of influence?

Men & women that are not so attractive can be excellent writers.  Writing is half the trick of creating an influencial fashion blog.  Being able to post attractive photography and stunning outfits is a key ingredient in the successful blog recipe.  Does seeing ugly people in clothing influence your buying decisions?  To be honest, I prefer to view pretty people.  That's why I removed the mirrors from my home.

Do you want to see ugly fashion bloggers or pretty ones?

Does the most beautiful fashion blogger equate to the most influential fashion blogger?  I am thinking that beauty, hard work, a great sense of style, all contribute to becoming the most influential fashion blogger of the year.  Negin Mirsalehi appears to have all the bases covered.  She gets our vote.