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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Martha Stewart CBD

Is it fashionable to be involved with pot plants?

Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC)  and Sequential Brands Group, Inc. announced today that Martha Stewart has joined the Company in an advisory role to assist with developing and positioning a broad new line of product offerings across multiple categories. 

Not sure if she is high, but the Sequential Brands Group stock is high today.  This is not the closing price, but this afternoon the stock at one point was up over 20% for the day.
sequential stock high
Canopy Growth will be leaning on Martha's vast knowledge of consumer products while exploring the effectiveness of CBD and other cannabinoids as they relate to improving the lives of both humans and animals. 

As previously reported in January 2019, Canopy Growth has developed diverse product offerings specific to hemp-derived CBD and the Company looks forward to working closely with Martha Stewart as they further develop and introduce these products to market in the future. 

Sequential Brands Group, Inc. owns, promotes, markets, and licenses a portfolio of consumer brands in the fashion, active, and home categories, which includes the Martha Stewart media and merchandising properties. Sequential seeks to ensure that its brands continue to thrive and grow by employing strong brand management, design and marketing teams. Sequential has licensed and intends to license its brands in a variety of consumer categories to retailers, wholesalers and distributors in the United States and around the world. For more information, please visit Sequential's website at:

Learn more about Sequential Brands here on Apparel Search.

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