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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Unique and Best Jewelry For Your Piercing Type

Choosing the best jewelry based on your piercing type is a tricky task if you do not have much experience in it. It is not only the design, trend or look; you also need to consider the metal while buying jewelry for piercing. You need to pick jewelry based on your work, lifestyle, dressing and body type. We often end up buying jewelry that do not suit our personality or are comfortable to wear. 
Following is a small write up on best jewelry for your piercing type. Make sure to read till the end and implement the same while shopping body jewelry online or offline:

1. Select metals wisely for new and unhealed piercing

If you are buying jewelry for a new and unhealed piercing, be choosy with the metal type. You can look for jewelry made from surgical stainless steel, tygon or niobium for new and unhealed body piercing. If you are using any new metal for the first time, be a little careful to notice any skin irritation, redness or other similar symptoms. 

2. Belly Button Rings

Getting belly button pierced adds a feminine touch to your body. If you wear the right jewelry, belly button rings can make you look way more attractive. Go for simple and smaller jewelry made with high quality surgical steel or gold to avoid skin issued or other discomfort. However, there is no harm in getting a few pieces of trendy and elaborate chandeliers and dangles that you can wear on special occasions. The only thing that you need to be careful about is to remove the heavy jewelry before going to bed. This will reduce the chances of skin irritation or other problems associated to your piercing and also help your jewelry to last longer. 

3. Earrings

Ear piercing is the most common type of body piercing and hence websites to buy body jewelry online are full of options for earrings. You can get a few gold or stainless steel pearl or stone studs to complement your formal look for office. Hoops are also very trendy and comfortable option to go for with casual attire for lunch or a classy outfit for an evening party.     
ear jewelry
4. Nose rings

Many a time we want to get a body piercing done without considering whether it will actually go with our personality or not. Nose piercing is something that every girl wants to get done. You can go for false nose rings to try and decide whether you will actually want to wear them for a longer period or not. False rings will fulfill all your desires without any pain. You can get surgical steel nose jewelry when you decide to get your nose pierced. Once your piercing is healed, you can try nose hoops and nose pins based on the outfit and occasion.  

5. Tongue piercing

If you have a tongue piercing, make sure to give quality of the material or metal the first priority while buying jewelry. Go for gold or stainless steel tongue rings to be on the safer side.  

This article has been written exclusively for & provided to Apparel Search by Guest Blogger Jennifer Saylor.

You may also want to read the article about Why Boxers For Women Are The Perfect Pair Of Sleeping Bottoms.  Not exactly relevant to piercings, but a good read if you have the time.