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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Packing for College: Finding the Right Balance in Clothing

Heading off to college is an exciting adventure filled with new experiences and opportunities. Yet, it also comes with a packing challenge, especially when it comes to clothing. How much clothing should you bring, and when does it cross the line into "too much"? Let's explore some practical tips on packing clothes for college and consider the differences in packing habits between girls and boys.

If you feel like too much is packed for the size of your car, you may want to consider a cargo roof rack.  Packing clothing is important, but getting it to school is important as well.

Finding the Right Balance: How Much Clothing to Bring

Packing for college involves making strategic choices about the clothes you'll need for various seasons, occasions, and activities. Striking the right balance between having enough options and avoiding overpacking is key.

1. Seasonal Considerations:

Fall and Spring Wardrobe: Plan for a versatile fall and spring wardrobe. Include a mix of jeans, tops, sweaters, and light jackets. Don't forget comfortable shoes for walking around campus.

Winter Essentials: If your college experiences cold winters, invest in a warm coat, boots, gloves, and scarves. Layering pieces like thermal tops are valuable additions.

Summer Staples: Include summer attire like shorts, t-shirts, dresses, and swimwear if you're attending a college with a warm climate or for seasonal breaks.

2. Occasion-Based Selection:

Formal Wear: Bring a couple of formal outfits for special events or formal gatherings.

Exercise Attire: If you plan to work out or participate in sports, pack activewear, sports shoes, and gear accordingly.

Casual and Lounge: Casual clothing for everyday classes and comfortable lounge attire for relaxing in your dorm or common areas are essential.

3. Avoiding Overpacking:

Mix-and-Match: Choose versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create various outfits. This reduces the number of items you need to bring.

Laundry Access: Consider the availability of laundry facilities on or near campus. Frequent laundry access means you can bring fewer items and do laundry regularly.

Think in Layers: Layering is key for adapting to changing weather. A few key layering pieces can help you adjust your outfits without overloading your luggage.

Girls vs. Boys: Different Packing Habits

Packing habits can vary widely between girls and boys. While it's essential to avoid stereotypes and remember that individual packing preferences differ, there are some general trends to consider:


Girls often have a wider variety of clothing options, including dresses, skirts, and more accessories. This can lead to a tendency to pack more.

They may bring a larger selection of shoes, including heels and flats for different occasions.

Girls often invest in wardrobe pieces for various social events and may have a more extensive formal wear collection.


Boys' wardrobes tend to be more utilitarian, with a focus on comfort and functionality.

They may bring fewer accessories and formal wear items, opting for a simpler wardrobe.

Boys might prioritize sports or workout attire if they plan to participate in sports or fitness activities.

In Conclusion: Packing Wisdom

The right amount of clothing to bring to college is subjective and depends on personal preferences, the climate of the college location, and your lifestyle. The key is finding a balance between practicality and comfort while avoiding overpacking. Remember that you can always assess your clothing needs and make adjustments as the semester progresses. College is a time of discovery, so embrace the journey, including the decisions you make about what to wear.

Don't forget your college sweatshirts.

If you plan on being on your laptop much of the day at class and studying, you may want to read about blue light glasses which may help with the strain on your eyes.

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