Earlier, the singers of Danity Kane were also spotted at the AMA Radio Room & Gift Lounge. The fab four wowed the onlookers in their super stylish outfits. Singer Dawn Richards was the epitome of sporty chic when she paired a black leather Pia Gladys Perey skirt with a matching leather jacket and red Melie Bianco clutch. Aubrey O'Day turned heads when she wore red printed Mister Zimi pants, black crop top, Melie Bianco clutch, and jewelry by Charles Albert, MAKKO, and Misahara. Shannon Bex looked stunning in a black crop top, black pants, a MAKKO necklace with shoes by Maria Lorenzo. Aundrea Fimbres wore rhinestone encrusted booties by Maria Lorenzo with a white blouse and black Mister Zimi shorts.
WHO: Girl group, Danity Kane: Aubrey O'Day, Shannon Bex, Dawn Richards, & Aundrea Fimbres
WHERE: At the 2013 AMA's and AMA Radio Room & Gift Lounge
WHEN: November 23 - 24, 2013
Synonymous to sexy elegance for the modern goddess, Pia Gladys Perey (PGP) is the go-to label for glamorous frocks with a romantic flair. Sensual folds and dramatic drapes define the PGP woman, where curves of every kind are celebrated and made beautiful. To date, PGP has is favoured by Hollywood stars like Angelina Jolie, Eva Longoria, Camilla Belle, Kim Kardashian, Kate Flannery, Nadine Ellis, and Gabrielle Union. The brand’s ethereal aesthetic clearly earned a red carpet following, making Pia Gladys Perey one of the most successful Filipino fashion labels with a global appeal.
It all began with an idea: design stylish, luxurious handbags and sell them at an affordable price. This idea came to life when Melissa and William, a husband and wife team, founded Melie Bianco in 2003. Since then their designs have been featured on TV segments and spotted in major fashion magazines like Marie Claire, Glamour, Lucky, Instyle, Oprah, Cosmopolitan, Self, People Style Watch, and Vogue among others. The main emphasis behind the Shop Melie brand was that handbags are usually found in the up-scale department (next to cosmetics, watches, shoes and jewelry). With this being such a prime area, it gave them the motivation to offer affordable luxury to the everyday woman. They did this by creating trend driven handbags that are always stylish from season to season by using premium faux leather, paying attention to craftsmanship and using high-end hardware and lining. Their mission is for every woman to “treat herself to a little luxury”.
Makko Jewelry believes that jewelry wasn't just meant for show, but something that could empower and protect the wearer. Makko Jewelry accomplishes this in a very unique and artistic way using Japanese kanji characters, gemstones, and distinctive shapes, to match each individual's spirit in the form of jewelry. Every piece of jewelry created by company founder, Makiko Tokuyama has a special meaning or message; some convey fortune and well-being while others may refer to peace and tranquility.
Bali-based label Mister Zimi is the brainchild of Zoe and Jimi Paul and has been wildly embraced and hugely successful since its inception in 2007. Combining modern Australian design, beautiful Balinese influxes, textiles from around the globe and an easy-going lifestyle in sunny Bali, Mister Zimi features a diverse range of dresses, tops, bottoms, jackets, footwear and even antique rugs! Their collections draw on bright, bold, and exotic places and channel the silhouettes of the laid-back 70s.
Misahara jewelry is the culmination of Lepa Galeb-Roskopp's bi-cultural upbringing along with her extensive world travels. Misahara's unique pieces channel an upscale gypsy-bohemian flare and comprise impeccable hand-craftsmanship using only the finest quality gemstones and metals. Pieces range from adorned cuffs to large statement rings and provide a bit of luxury to the everyday woman. Not only is Misahara committed to offering fine jewelry, but they also donate a portion of their proceeds to the Thimbini school located in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.
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