Release – the technology
Datatex is excited to announce the availability of NOW Release which represents a “small revolution” of our technology. The Datatex
LAB is consistently working to produce the next big change. The new release
contains many significant functional and application enhancements and additions
. This document is about the technology.
The new release is again a proof
or Datatex continuous commitment to stay up to date with technology along with
its unique vertical functionality.
NOW release is compatible with:
J2SE 7.0 up and J2EE 6.0 on
JBoss: EAP 6.1.0 or community 7.2.0.G.A
Clear Report version 13
to the new adopted standard above, programming has become simpler enabling
customization of an object only where needed instead of in the full class chain.
An example will helps understand this feature. Suppose we have four classes in
cascade and that we need to customize only the fourth one. With the previous
standard the programmers were forced to modify all the four classes. With the
new release it is possible to intervene and customize only the fourth classes.
This saves programming activities which is also reflected to our customers.
Customization could be easier and more efficient.
“extension of the entity bean” available in the new release allows to add new
fields to an existing entity. For example if we need to add new information to
the business partner master file we can
“extend” this class using it with the new field like if the new fields were
created originally by the lab. The use of the “additional data” allows the same
but the AD as we know may have some constrains. On the other hand to extend an
existing class requires to write code,
not needed if we use the AD. Depending on the cases both possibilities are now
release has adopted the concept of “Referential Integrity” (Referential
integrity is a property of data which, when satisfied, requires
every value of one attribute (column) of a relation (table) to exist as a value of another attribute in a different (or the
same) relation (table). For referential integrity to hold in a relational database, any field in a table that is declared
a foreign key can contain
either a null value, or only values from a parent table's primary key or a candidate key. Source: Wikipedia)
In the previous
NOW versions this concept was activated at the “application” level. The
referential integrity in NOW release
has been included also at the database level.
Another relevant aspect of NOW release is the
performance improvement. .NOW performance has been improved by 10%-20% compared
to the previous NOW release with no hardware, application server nor database
configuration changes. For some particular functions the level of improvement
is close to 50%!
The utilization of the “Referential Integrity” improves
the overall NOW performance.
Release – the desktop
Portals are the current web standard.
What is a web portal? " a web portal is a website that brings
information together from diverse sources in a uniform way. Usually, each
information source gets its dedicated area on the page for displaying
information (a portlet); often, the user can configure which ones to
display. (Wikipedia)
NOW release can be
configured in this way. Desktops can be organized arranging pre-defined or
customized tiles-icons according to the individual user's
needs and preferences. The Tiles-icons can activate NOW entries ( sales
orders, inventory, production orders, sales reports….. or different applications
like weather forecast or news sites ). Below an example of new NOW “standard
The current NOW menu is also available
as an option with some minor changes. Below an example.
windows above each column
The new NOW Release 4.0.0 UI provides filters
above each column of a collection without having to open the pop up filter
The pop up filter window is still always
(Electronic Document Management System) in NOW
This function allows to store, search, print and
re-print documents created in NOW. For example ability to view invoices ( note:
the original pdf document) filtered by a certain customer and to print them
directly from the collection.
The following documents are currently supported:
- Production
- Sales
Order (Order, Confirmation)
- Sales
Document (Shipping, Invoice, Claim, etc)
- Sales
- Internal
- Internal
- Internal
Return Document
- Purchase
- External
Operation Document
- External
Operation Order
- Purchase
Return Document
The documents stored can be also transferred to the
new Datatex integrated CRM module.
Learn more about datatex at their website at
Thank you for taking the time to read our apparel industry technology blog post. We hope that you have found this news to be informative. If you have comments or questions, please add your thoughts in the discussion area below.