MAGICUniversity provides educational content for retailers, buyers, marketing professionals and fashion entrepreneurs. MAGIC’s goal is to act as a resource and continue to drive the global fashion industry forward by sharing knowledge, ideas, trends and tools from across the fashion marketplace. Information will be available in one location, easily searched by topic at .
- Track #1 – Retail Experience
- Provides a comprehensive guide to creating a retail experience and develop successful e-commerce, merchandising, and marketing tactics to connect with customers across all touch points.
- Track #2 – Social Media
- MAGIC has broken down the five most important platforms in social media and seven apps you must know, given that social media has become the most powerful connecter for retailers in terms of customer service, engagement and sales.
- Track #3 – Trends
- Navigating what consumers want from designers and figuring how to build those into meeting future apparel, accessories, and footwear demands is a complex task. MAGIC worked with leading forecasting experts to help layout the groundwork.
- Track #4 – Consumer Demographics
- From millennials to Gen Z, Baby Boomers to niche groups like Moms and Dads, brand marketers need to understand the behavioral triggers and lifestyles of these segments, depending on their target customers. By understanding their values, aspirations, and beliefs, brands will win customers' lifetime loyalty.
- Track #5 – Sustainability
- Brands, retailers, and product designers are looking for ways to create more efficient manufacturing processes. From local manufacturing (local and overseas artisans) to 3D printing, to waterless denim and more environmentally-friendly production processes, brands want to reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining the bottom-line.
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