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Saturday, March 7, 2015

5 Tips for Working Women on Getting Dressed for a Business Dinner

Dressing for work might be easy for you if you have a strict dress code to adhere to. But it can be nerve wracking to decide what to wear to a business dinner if the opportunity presents itself without warning.

Even if you share a good rapport with almost everyone in the office, you can’t show up for the business dinner wearing whatever you fancy. The people around you will be the ones you work with or intend to work with in the future. It goes without saying that you need to be well-dressed for the event.

But what does well-dressed mean? For guys, it’s pretty clear- a suit that fits well, a pair of shoes polished to perfection, a belt to match, and a shiny watch will complete the look. It’s the ladies who need to rack their brains to figure out what they should wear to the business dinner!
Business Dinner Dressing Tips for Women

If you have been invited to a business dinner and are wondering what to wear, you have nothing to worry about. Here are some tips to help you get ready.

Let the Culture Prevail

An important thing to keep in mind this! If your office culture is overtly conservative, stick to the rules even when dressing for a business dinner or office party.

Don't let this dampen your spirits though; you can always add a touch of glamour no matter what the rules are! Flaunt those heels, put on a dazzling belt, or wear a statement necklace or ring and you're sure to be in the good books of your seniors.

If dressing rules are more relaxed in your office, read on!
Hint: You still need to dress appropriately for a business dinner.

Understate Rather than Overstate

When in doubt, remember to go for the understated look. Just as dressing casually for a formal event is bad, so is being over-dressed for a business dinner.

So if you’ve been dying to wear that metallic number you just bought, forget about it for now. If it’s decent enough, you could consider wearing it to the office Christmas or New Year party.

Opt for Comfort

Do wear something that you feel comfortable in and that allows you to move around freely. You don’t want to keep tugging at your skirt or adjusting your blouse every few minutes. After all, it’s going to be a business meeting and you can’t afford to miss something important just because of your uncomfortable clothes. This applies to shoes too; you don’t want to wear a pair that hurts your feet.

Dress in whatever is the most comfortable and use this opportunity to network and show your best to the boss, the clients, and your colleagues!

Don’t Show Too Much Skin

How much is too much? If this question bothers you, the best thing to do would be considering office dress codes. Don’t turn to red carpet fashion guides for ideas on dressing for a business dinner; you’ll get the wrong idea.

Keep in mind that what you may consider to be simply fashion-forward and appropriate for a business dinner may come across as sexy to other people, especially the males. It is never a good idea to dress in a way that gets the wrong message across to your colleagues, boss, and clients.

Moreover, you don’t want people talking about your looks for months instead of remembering you for your accomplishments. So be sure to show as less décolletage as possible! Also, showing cleavage is a definite no-no. And avoid wearing a backless dress unless you’re going to have a shrug or a dress jacket on at all times.

When it comes to hemlines, go for a dress or a skirt that ends not more than an inch above your knees. Slits, if any, should not be long and should certainly not expose your thighs.

Furthermore, you should actively avoid choosing dresses that cling to your body. Go for A-line skirts or dresses that can be dressed up or down in many ways. They will look good without drawing unwanted attention to you.

Sheer clothes should be avoided too. Check the outfit in natural light as well as under bright light to decide. Visible panty lines need to be taken care of just as you do when dressing for the office every day.

Prepare Beforehand

Don’t leave things till the last minute; being prepared for the event will not only have you looking well-dressed, it will also help you feel confident.

If you need to rush home from the office and get dressed for the business dinner hurriedly, it will help if you set out your clothes for the event the night before. Investing in quality scarf or accessory hangers like the ones from OnlyHangers can make dressing easier.

It may be possible that you won’t have the time to get home and get dressed for dinner. You can definitely go to for dinner wearing your office attire, but if you want to look a bit different, you can easily transform your desk look by making minor changes. Swap your jacket for a scarf, put on chunkier earrings, slip into a pair of strappy heels, or accessorize your dress with a belt, and you’ll be good to go!


Dressing for a business dinner may seem stressful, but if you do the right things, you’ll have nothing to be anxious about. With tips from here, you’re sure to look perfectly dressed. Just be sure to say and do the right things and you’ll definitely make a good impression!

This is a guest article written for Apparel Search by Millie.

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