From fitness fanatics to the men and women who just need an extra push of motivation to get to the gym, Apparel Search is pleased to introduce Labellamafia fitness wear. Founded by IFBB Bikini athlete, journalist and fitness guru Alice Matos, Labellamafia was launched out of Brazil to inspire motivation to maintain an active lifestyle for men and women who don't want to leave style in the dust while getting their sweat on.
Since opening up shop in South Beach, Miami in 2013, Labellamafia has continued to prove itself as a fitness wear powerhouse both in-store and online, ranking in The Hot 100 E-Commerce apparel sites in 2014. With over one-million Facebook “Likes”, Labellamafia went on to create The Hard Core Ladies, a blog filled with helpful, realistic tips on lifestyle, diet and fashion.
In latest collection, Road to Redemption, we're showcasing an alternative bend on active wear, offering a wide range of leggings in vibrant colors and eye-catching patterns with a supreme second-skin fit. Utilizing a unique method of atomic modeling in our design process, we leave the heavy stitching and tearing seems by the wayside so you can workout without feeling constricted. Under the Labellamafia label, we introduce Lamafia for men— a collection featuring tees, joggers, snap-backs and sneakers in modern, high-quality designs.
Appearing at events from the Arnold Classic to Mr. Olympia 2015 and The Fashion Revolution Day, our unique, inspirational mindset and dedication to motivate coincides with one-of-a-kind patterns and designs to create something much more than a brand— Labellamafia creates a lifestyle.
They offer affordable clothing, ranging in price from $30USD to $99USD.
Labellamafia can be found in-store: 231A 8th Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139, or online at
Labellamafia is Workout Wear With Attitude