Luxury handbag designer Mei Li recently announced the launch of its Kickstarter campaign - from October 9 to November 8 for its new luxury mini handbag - Audrey. Rewards range from 25% to 45% off the retail price of $415 for the most versatile handbag ever made that can be worn nine different ways. The Audrey will be available in three colors: Classic Black, Signature Red and Runway Blue. Made from genuine nappa leather that is luxuriously soft and ethically sourced from the U.S., the hardware is custom plated to ensure the highest quality possible.
What makes the Audrey extraordinarily unique is that it solves the age-old problem every woman faces with her handbag – how to be casual and functional during the day and transition to fashionable and sleek in the evening – with just one handbag. This problem is amplified when traveling and packing space is limited. The beauty of Audrey’s design is that it lets a woman customize her look using only one luxury handbag. It can be worn as a mini backpack, shoulder bag, sling backpack, waist bag, crossbody, mini handbag, clutch, over the shoulder slim purse or slim crossbody.
Additional feature benefits of the Audrey include:
- A wallet with 12 slots for cards
- A zippered coin pocket in the middle
- 2 pockets for bills
- Ample space for a large mobile phone
- The base has 1 zippered pocket
- The slim pocket under the front flap is designed to hold a passport
- The full-size wallet securely connects with straps and magnets
- The base has room for cosmetics, sunglasses and more essentials.
“We are incredibly excited to launch Audrey on Kickstarter as the most versatile luxury mini leather handbag ever made,” said Golnar Mossavat, Co-Founder of Mei Li. “The Audrey luxury mini handbag solves a problem most women face daily. Our company’s name ‘Mei Li’ is the Chinese word for beautiful. Audrey allows you to effortlessly transition from day to night and look beautiful every step of the way while enjoying stylish functionality. There’s no longer a need to choose between function and fashion – with the Audrey luxury handbag now a woman can have it all.”
During the campaign, Mei Li also is offering 25% off its Amelia crossbody and Sophia handbags available on its website at Visit to pre-purchase the Audrey on Kickstarter.
As a mini backpack, the AUDREY is small, casual, and chic. It lies perfectly flat on your back and is zippered to give you a sense of security. Use this style when you want to travel and navigate while being hands-free and having your maximum range of motion.
Me Li has been quoted as saying, “We designed a better handbag that is both beautiful and easy to use so you can go about your day with style.”
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