While brands love to market their products as 100% Egyptian cotton, that might not be the case. Currently, there are active lawsuits against companies like Walmart, and other big corporations for claiming to be carrying 100% Egyptian cotton products but having less than 25% of Egyptian cotton in their fabrics.
You may want to learn the answers to the following questions.
- How to get certified Egyptian cotton and why it’s important?
- How companies have gotten away with lying about their products?
- Where true Egyptian cotton grows and the steps to ensure it’s coming from a real source?
Parima Ijaz, the founder of Pure Parima can help you understand why it is important for companies to have the CEA certification when they’re selling Egyptian Cotton.
Parima Ijaz is the founder of Pure Parima. While she was completing her Political Science degree at Rutgers University, the news that major retailers were being sued for fraudulently mislabeling products as 100% Egyptian cotton when they carried 25% or less broke out. At 24-years-old, Parima decided to use her upbringing in the textile industry to create a company that would be authentic to its consumers. She built Pure Parima to ensure people could receive accessible luxury, authenticity, and softness. She honors her middle eastern heritage through her color choices and collection names and honors her father, whose 30 years of experience in this industry has guided and inspired her, leaving a legacy they both can feel proud of.
You may want to learn about the Cotton Egyptian Association as well.
- As the Cotton Egypt Association (CEA), we stand firmly for genuine quality. From farmer to manufacturer, from field to your home, all true Egyptian Cotton™ must meet our high standards. That way, you can be confident in, and trust what it says on the label. Just look for the Egyptian Cotton™ trademark whenever you’re shopping around. It is there to reassure you that Egyptian Cotton™ is exactly what it says it is.
Thank you for taking the time to read this fashion news article.
You may want to visit our women's Egyptian cotton page (Note: we "don't" guarantee that all companies listed on that page sell product that is truly made from Egyptian cotton).
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